Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sleepy Saturday!

Well, so far so good. Had a mini breakdown yesterday. I was overwhelmed with the work of the new diet. (Or as Jason labled it...Jason's gonna die-yet!) But after my supportive husband gave me a pep talk...(I think my sister-in-law tried but was interupted by her kids:P Still helped though) we've made it to day cheating during the day so far...the halloween candy is still here.

During the day? You ask? Well, last night was a fun murder mystery night at a friends house. Jason did SO well. I did not. But I did not do too bad, not bad enough to fall off the wagon completly. Yes I ate a little of what I should not have, no I don't feel that guilty because it only was a little! Yes, I do have self-control!!! (my kids tell me that's a fruit of the Spirirt!)

So yay me yay us! We're doing it! (thanks to a wonderful new to me frying pan! My first brand name nonstick! I can make a mean omelete!)

So some funny stories:

Felicity, what would you like for breakfast..?....
'um, some fruit of the Spirit please Mom!'

Dressed up as a bag lady last night for our murder mystery (FUN!!) I was called crazy.
My niece overheard that and piped up
'Well, THAT'S why she's Crazy Auntie Laura!'

I love kids! So cute!

On to another weekend. Early night for us tonight I think. It's been a long half week, especially getting up everymorning to make a yummy breaky for my hubby. Yes I love him, but I miss my bed :( Maybe he'll treat me to a nap one of the next 3 days while he's off of work. Yay for holidays that make long weekends!

Remember remembrance day. One of my favorite Stat holidays. I hope to take the kids to the ceremony on Tuesday. I remember that growing up. I want my kids to have the same respect of this day that I was taught.

Thank you for your wonderful comments last post. I do reread them to be reminded of the support we have doing this! So thank you and don't stop!

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

I think with any kind of slavery to anything (food, alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc.), the first few days are the toughest. It is like there is a withdrawal thing going on. It is SOOOO tough. I know. Food is such a comfort and "gezallig" thing.

Stay strong! I am now going to preach my own sermon to myself. LOL

Roze said...

Great start there!! Keep it up!

Hope you enjoy the celebration tomorrow! Ours was on Sunday only, so unfortunately, I missed it. That happened last year too. Bummer!