Monday, November 17, 2008


I caved............Christmas sounds are now a feature of my home...childhood memories revisited, new ones being made.
What am I talking about??? I am listening to the Young Messiah, by the New London Choral and the Michael W. Smith christmas(his first one). A childhood staple of the Christmas season. It used to be on an old tape that Mom held hostage, being the only copy we had(and cannot find another in the North) but because of tecnological advances, my wonderful husband managed to make cds for all us kids! Wahoo! I love this music!
I caved because of the snow. Yah, sure blame it on the weather! But it does look so beautiful with all this white stuff on the ground, beautiful enough to play my Christmas music 1/2 a month early. Even decorating the house is getting tempting. Especially with a 4 year old who says" No, Mom, We'll go outside, you stay in and set up Christmas!" LOL! I think she likes the lights across the street!
Have a great snow day! I am, Play-doh(yucky smelly stuff), Oatmeal cookies and a tea party with my girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's OK Laura, I am going to pull out my Christmas music tonight too...otherwise the season for listening to it is way too short!! Also, I know some people here that have all their decorations up already except their tree -- they are waiting until December for that. Enjoy while you can!!
Love ya!