Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Things

This has been going around facebook. Thought I'd share what I wrote.

1.I am a Christian. Just saying that makes me realize how far I've come from just believing to now living and teaching the kids. Thank you Lord for the faith and strength day to day!

2.I love being a wife to J. Yes we fight, but we're still in love, and we find ways to show eachother that. Even if the store had no flowers!

3.I love being a mother. Everytime I look around the dinner table at our 4 kids, I am amazed at how much I have been blessed.

4.I am crazy. Just ask my niece Kierra and nephew Darren.

5.I was show-and-tell for my niece. And I loved it. Grade 1 kids are SO cute!

6.I don't hate all the in-law family like people think you should. I love them! And we get along...mostly!

7.There are times when I wished I lived closer to my family.

8.I LOVE camping. Even with newborns! I can't wait to camp!

9.I like shoveling the driveway. The high, neat banks look so nice! I've been letting go a little and letting the kids play in the nice snowbanks. *sigh*

10.I have a hard time keeping up with my house work. My favorite quote to motivate me is " it is possible to dissobey God by NOT doing the dishes!"

11. I love reading, have always read, but i can't spell!!!

12.I love singing. I sing in the van really loud when no one is in with me. Oh, and I sing really loud in the van with the kids too!

13.I wish I was skinny.And could shop at a 'normal' store, not a plus sized one.

14.I love to laugh. and hate that you can't see my eyes when I laugh.

15.I'm not sure if I am happy, excited, or sad that my kids are starting school in September.

16.I have a temper and sometimes can control it.

17.I am very sentimental.

18.I want to be loved, needed, helpful, a friend, hugged, accepted.

19.I do care what others think of me. And actually that surprises me.

20. I love my husband. No ifs ands or buts! 21.I am just like my mother. So much it's scary. It took me a LONG time to admit that.

22. I hate worrying about things. Especially money.

23. I don't like it when people are mad at me.

24. I own 3 or 4 pairs of heels. I'm still not sure how people wear them and walk at the same time!

25. I am still learning how to be the best person I was created to be.

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