Friday, January 16, 2009

Mamma Mia!!!!

I DID IT!!!!

4 kids + payday shopping + Friday afternoon + 1 me = A great shopping experiance!

(well the great is overrated as it was at Houston supervalue...) but none the less, it included a trip to the bank, checking the mail, grocery shopping and then (just cause the kids were SO GREAT) dinner at A&W. All done with 4 kids 4 and under, one mom and no spankings!! Wow! I do amaze myself!

Just had to brag...and pat me on the back!


now to figure out how to get them to put the groceries away with out digging into the snacks! :)


Marian said...

Time to post some pictures of your little guys:-)

mom in the north said...

You're amazing!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing...but obviously your kids are also amazing. Great big pat on the back to all of you!!!
Love ya all!