Thursday, February 4, 2010


Anyone who knows me (since being married) should know that I have 2 chores that I absolutely detest.




The dishes one has been solved with a second hand dishwasher that is SO nice!!! I've had it for a year and a half and cannot begin to wonder how I ever survived without it!! :)

And the Laundry! Ugh. It's not the washing, it's not the drying, it's not even the folding. It's the putting it away! Double Ugh.
My dear husband even moved all the dressers downstairs so I could fold laundry and put it away, conveniently never leaving the laundry room to get it all done.

It didn't work!

Getting an outfit for the kids would mean digging thru the pile in the laundry room. Albeit clean, some of it folded. Most of it just dumped there. *sigh*

Then my (7yr old Maytag!!!!!) dryer died. Like REALLY died this time. Not just a flipped breaker this time.

Oh, J, I found in the instruction manual that if your dryer still turns but doesn't heat up you should check the breaker as most dryers work off of a two household breaker system. I kid you not. It's in there! I'll show you!
But I digress...

Ok, my dryer died. We bought a new one. Brought said dryer home, changed the door position and voila, another dryer broken! Ugh. (SO not our fault. Not even because J turned the door around. They gave us a broken one!) At least we hadn't put this one downstairs yet!

So back to the store, got another one and WOW!!!
I think I've always had a faulty dryer! My old one NEVER heated up like this. Done in a flash! Saweet!

And now my laundry room is clean of clean laundry! And I actually folded and PUT IT AWAY!
And I'm going to keep doing that. It looks much nicer.


Just thought I'd share the break thru of my day!
Now, on to the rest of my day!


Roze said...

I hate it when laundry piles up too! I try do a load a day, and for right now, Mon-Sat, that's all I need to do. So, ideally, I only need to put away one load a day. But I also have started getting the kids to put their clothes away. Both Nathan and Melanie can, so that eliminates a third to the clothes! :)

Life in Naples.... said...
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Life in Naples.... said...

I'm so impressed with your break-thru today, Laura! Keep it up, and congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

so Now I just have to buy you a mop & Vacuum cleaner :)

Marian said...

I don't even bother folding my kids clothes! They are still little so I can just lay them flat in their drawers....maybe that's why I still love laundry!

Christie J. said...

Wait until the novelty of the new dryer wears off... You'll be right back at square one. ;)